Module essentials

Copyright (C) Cortic Technology Corp. - All Rights Reserved Written by Michael Ng, December 2019

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Copyright (C) Cortic Technology Corp. - All Rights Reserved
Written by Michael Ng <>, December 2019


import cait.core as core

    1. Single USB webcam (supported ones)
    2. 3.5mm audio jack speaker
    3. Microphone integrated with webcam
    4. Default one database for people. person name is folder name.
    5. Faces and objects are tracked implicitly
    6. Need to teach list and dictionary knowledge
    7. return None if error occurred, otherwise empty return is normal if nothing detected

def get_cloud_accounts():
    """Get a list of google cloud servie account

        account_list (list): List of google cloud servie account
    account_list = core.get_cloud_accounts()
    return {"accounts": account_list}

def get_video_devices():
    """Get a list of connected camera device

        video_device_list (list): List of camera device
    return core.get_video_devices()

def get_audio_devices():
    """Get a list of connected audio device

        (list): List of audio device
    return core.get_audio_devices()

def test_camera(index):
    """Open the camera device with specific index, test for its connetion

        index (int): index of the camera device
        (bool): True if success, False otherwise
    return core.test_camera(index)

def initialize_component(component_name, useOnline=True, account="default", processor="local"):
    """Initalization function for different components
        component_name (string): name of the component to be initialized
    Keyword Parameters:
        useOnline {bool}: use online service or not (default: {True})
        (bool): True if initialization is success, False otherwise
    if component_name == "vision":
        success, msg = core.initialize_vision(processor)
    elif component_name == "voice":
        success, msg  = core.initialize_voice(useOnline, account)
    elif component_name == "nlp":
        success, msg  = core.initialize_nlp()
    elif component_name == "control":
        success, msg  = core.initialize_control()
    elif component_name == "smart_home":
        success = True
        msg = "OK"
    return success, msg

def change_module_parameters(parameter_name, value):
    """Generic function for setting ai module parameters
        parameter_name (string): name of prarmeter
        value {float}: value of parameter
    core.change_module_parameters(parameter_name, value)

def get_camera_image():
    """Development test function, retrieve one camera image
        (mat): cv2 image
    img = core.get_camera_image()
    if img is not None:
        return img
        return None

def recognize_face():
    """Recognize the name of person from camera feed. No need to pass in camera feed explicitly at this level.
        (dict): key: names, values: (coordinates, confidences)

    name = core.recognize_face()
    #print("NAME*************", name)
    coordinate = core.get_person_face_location(name)

    if name is not None and coordinate is not None:
        people = {"name" : name, "coordinate" : coordinate}
        return people
        return None

def add_person(name=None):
    """Add a new person into face database, associate the name with the person's face image captured from camera feed.
        name (string): name of the person.
        (bool): return True if adding face is success, False otherwise.
    if name == None:
        return -1

    success = core.add_person(name)

    return success

def remove_person(name):
    """Remove a specific person from database

        name (string): name of the person to remove
    if name == None:
        return -1

    success = core.remove_person(name)

    return success

def detect_objects():
    """detect the object appearing in camera feed
        (list): names of the objects
        (list): coordinates of objects
    objects = core.detect_objects()

    if objects is not None:
        names, coordinates = objects
        objects = {"names" : names, "coordinates" : coordinates}
        return objects
        return None

def listen():
    """Listen to user speech from audio feed captured by microphone.
        (string): the user speech generated from speech-to-text module.

    text = core.listen()

    if text is not None:
        return text
        return None

def listen_for_wakeword():
    """Continuously detecting the appeareance of wakeword from the audio stream. Higher priority than the listen() function.
        (bool): return True if detected wakeword, False otherwise.

    gotWakeWord = core.listen_for_wakeword()

    return gotWakeWord

def say(text, volume=100):
    """Speak the text through speaker at the specific volume.
        text (string): text to be spoken.
        volume (int): 0-100.
        (bool): True if successfully spoken. False otherwise.
    if text == None:
        return -1

    success = core.say(text)

    return success

def analyse_text(text):
    """Analyse the user speech generated from the listen() function.
        text (string): user speech.
        (dict): Contains the intention and entities from the analytics of the user speech.
    if text == None:
        return -1

    topic, condifence, entities = core.analyze(text)

    intention = {"topic" : topic, "confidence" : condifence, "entities" : entities}

    return intention

def control_motor(motor_name, speed, duration):
    """Move robot forward or backward, with specific speed and for specific duration

        motor_name (string): Name of motor to control, currently, only support "motor_A", "motor_B", "motor_C", "motor_D" corresponding to BrickPi ports
        speed (int): 0-100
        duration (int): 0 - inf

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

    success = core.control_motor(motor_name, speed, duration)

    return success

def control_motor_speed_group(operation_list):
    """Move a group of motors together

        operation_list (list): A list of operation in string, refer to code generated from the visual programming interface

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

    success = core.control_motor_speed_group(operation_list)

    return success

def rotate_motor(motor_name, angle):
    """Rotate robot to a certain angle

        motor_name (string): Name of motor to control, currently, only support "motor_A", "motor_B", "motor_C", "motor_D" corresponding to BrickPi ports
        angle (int): Roatational angle

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

    success = core.rotate_motor(motor_name, angle)

    return success

def control_motor_degree_group(operation_list):
    """Rotate a group of motors together

        operation_list (list): A list of operation in string, refer to code generated from the visual programming interface

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.
    success = core.control_motor_degree_group(operation_list)

    return success

def get_devices(device_type):
    """Get a list of smart devices in the local network

        (list): List of smart devices in the local network
    devices = core.get_devices(device_type)
    result = {"devices": devices}

    return result

def control_light(device_name, operation, parameter=None):
    """Control the operation of a smart light device.

        device_name (string): name of smart light device.
        operation (string): operation, currently supporting "turn_on",  "turn_off", "toggle", "color_name", "brightness_pct".
        parameter {}: any parameter for the operation.
        (bool): True if successfully sent command to homeassistant. False otherwise.
    result = core.control_light(device_name, operation, parameter)
    return result

def control_media_player(device_name, operation):
    """Control the operation of a smart media player.

        device_name (string): name of smart media player.
        operation (string): operation, currently supporting "media_play",  "media_pause", "volume_up", "volume_down".
        (bool): True if successfully sent command to homeassistant. False otherwise.
    result = core.control_media_player(device_name, operation)
    return result

def turn_to_person(name):
    """Rotate the robot to face a person, this is a combined usage of recognizeFace() and move() function. Not implemented.

        name (string): name of the person that the robot should center to.

        (bool): True if successfully turned. False otherwise.
    return success

def follow_person(name):
    """Move the robot so that it constantly follows a person, this is a combined usage of recognizeFace() and move() function. Not implemented.

        name (string): name of the person that the robot should be following.
        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.
    return success

def greet_person(name, speech):
    """Greet a specific person in a specific way, this is combined usage of recognizeFace() and say() function. Not implemented.

        name (sring): name of the person to greet, it can be an actual name, or simply Unknown.
        speech (string): words to say to the person.

        (bool): True if successfully greeted. False otherwise.
    return success

def ask_for_person_name():
    """Ask for the name of a person appearing in the camera feed, this is a combined usage of say(), listen() and analyseSpeech() function. Not implemented.
        (string): name of the person.
    return name

def get_response(text):
    """Generate robot response based on user speech input. Not implemented.
        text (string): Result from listen() function
        (string): robot response

    return respone

def control_smart_device(device_name, action):
    """Control the smart devices's state through action. Not implemented.
        device_name (string): Name of the device recorded in Home assistant
        action (string): valid action state for the device, as recorded in home assistant.
        (bool): True if device is successfully controlled. False otherwise.
    return success


def add_person(name=None)

Add a new person into face database, associate the name with the person's face image captured from camera feed.


name (string): name of the person.


(bool): return True if adding face is success, False otherwise.

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def add_person(name=None):
    """Add a new person into face database, associate the name with the person's face image captured from camera feed.
        name (string): name of the person.
        (bool): return True if adding face is success, False otherwise.
    if name == None:
        return -1

    success = core.add_person(name)

    return success
def analyse_text(text)

Analyse the user speech generated from the listen() function.


text (string): user speech.


(dict): Contains the intention and entities from the analytics of the user speech.

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def analyse_text(text):
    """Analyse the user speech generated from the listen() function.
        text (string): user speech.
        (dict): Contains the intention and entities from the analytics of the user speech.
    if text == None:
        return -1

    topic, condifence, entities = core.analyze(text)

    intention = {"topic" : topic, "confidence" : condifence, "entities" : entities}

    return intention
def ask_for_person_name()

Ask for the name of a person appearing in the camera feed, this is a combined usage of say(), listen() and analyseSpeech() function. Not implemented.


(string): name of the person.

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def ask_for_person_name():
    """Ask for the name of a person appearing in the camera feed, this is a combined usage of say(), listen() and analyseSpeech() function. Not implemented.
        (string): name of the person.
    return name
def change_module_parameters(parameter_name, value)

Generic function for setting ai module parameters


parameter_name (string): name of prarmeter value {float}: value of parameter

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def change_module_parameters(parameter_name, value):
    """Generic function for setting ai module parameters
        parameter_name (string): name of prarmeter
        value {float}: value of parameter
    core.change_module_parameters(parameter_name, value)
def control_light(device_name, operation, parameter=None)

Control the operation of a smart light device.


device_name (string): name of smart light device. operation (string): operation, currently supporting "turn_on", "turn_off", "toggle", "color_name", "brightness_pct". parameter {}: any parameter for the operation.


(bool): True if successfully sent command to homeassistant. False otherwise.

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def control_light(device_name, operation, parameter=None):
    """Control the operation of a smart light device.

        device_name (string): name of smart light device.
        operation (string): operation, currently supporting "turn_on",  "turn_off", "toggle", "color_name", "brightness_pct".
        parameter {}: any parameter for the operation.
        (bool): True if successfully sent command to homeassistant. False otherwise.
    result = core.control_light(device_name, operation, parameter)
    return result
def control_media_player(device_name, operation)

Control the operation of a smart media player.


device_name (string): name of smart media player. operation (string): operation, currently supporting "media_play", "media_pause", "volume_up", "volume_down".


(bool): True if successfully sent command to homeassistant. False otherwise.

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def control_media_player(device_name, operation):
    """Control the operation of a smart media player.

        device_name (string): name of smart media player.
        operation (string): operation, currently supporting "media_play",  "media_pause", "volume_up", "volume_down".
        (bool): True if successfully sent command to homeassistant. False otherwise.
    result = core.control_media_player(device_name, operation)
    return result
def control_motor(motor_name, speed, duration)

Move robot forward or backward, with specific speed and for specific duration


motor_name (string): Name of motor to control, currently, only support "motor_A", "motor_B", "motor_C", "motor_D" corresponding to BrickPi ports speed (int): 0-100 duration (int): 0 - inf


(bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

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def control_motor(motor_name, speed, duration):
    """Move robot forward or backward, with specific speed and for specific duration

        motor_name (string): Name of motor to control, currently, only support "motor_A", "motor_B", "motor_C", "motor_D" corresponding to BrickPi ports
        speed (int): 0-100
        duration (int): 0 - inf

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

    success = core.control_motor(motor_name, speed, duration)

    return success
def control_motor_degree_group(operation_list)

Rotate a group of motors together


operation_list (list): A list of operation in string, refer to code generated from the visual programming interface


(bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

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def control_motor_degree_group(operation_list):
    """Rotate a group of motors together

        operation_list (list): A list of operation in string, refer to code generated from the visual programming interface

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.
    success = core.control_motor_degree_group(operation_list)

    return success
def control_motor_speed_group(operation_list)

Move a group of motors together


operation_list (list): A list of operation in string, refer to code generated from the visual programming interface


(bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

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def control_motor_speed_group(operation_list):
    """Move a group of motors together

        operation_list (list): A list of operation in string, refer to code generated from the visual programming interface

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

    success = core.control_motor_speed_group(operation_list)

    return success
def control_smart_device(device_name, action)

Control the smart devices's state through action. Not implemented.


device_name (string): Name of the device recorded in Home assistant action (string): valid action state for the device, as recorded in home assistant.


(bool): True if device is successfully controlled. False otherwise.

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def control_smart_device(device_name, action):
    """Control the smart devices's state through action. Not implemented.
        device_name (string): Name of the device recorded in Home assistant
        action (string): valid action state for the device, as recorded in home assistant.
        (bool): True if device is successfully controlled. False otherwise.
    return success
def detect_objects()

detect the object appearing in camera feed


(list): names of the objects (list): coordinates of objects

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def detect_objects():
    """detect the object appearing in camera feed
        (list): names of the objects
        (list): coordinates of objects
    objects = core.detect_objects()

    if objects is not None:
        names, coordinates = objects
        objects = {"names" : names, "coordinates" : coordinates}
        return objects
        return None
def follow_person(name)

Move the robot so that it constantly follows a person, this is a combined usage of recognizeFace() and move() function. Not implemented.


name (string): name of the person that the robot should be following.


(bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

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def follow_person(name):
    """Move the robot so that it constantly follows a person, this is a combined usage of recognizeFace() and move() function. Not implemented.

        name (string): name of the person that the robot should be following.
        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.
    return success
def get_audio_devices()

Get a list of connected audio device


(list): List of audio device

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def get_audio_devices():
    """Get a list of connected audio device

        (list): List of audio device
    return core.get_audio_devices()
def get_camera_image()

Development test function, retrieve one camera image


(mat): cv2 image

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def get_camera_image():
    """Development test function, retrieve one camera image
        (mat): cv2 image
    img = core.get_camera_image()
    if img is not None:
        return img
        return None
def get_cloud_accounts()

Get a list of google cloud servie account


account_list (list): List of google cloud servie account

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def get_cloud_accounts():
    """Get a list of google cloud servie account

        account_list (list): List of google cloud servie account
    account_list = core.get_cloud_accounts()
    return {"accounts": account_list}
def get_devices(device_type)

Get a list of smart devices in the local network


(list): List of smart devices in the local network

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def get_devices(device_type):
    """Get a list of smart devices in the local network

        (list): List of smart devices in the local network
    devices = core.get_devices(device_type)
    result = {"devices": devices}

    return result
def get_response(text)

Generate robot response based on user speech input. Not implemented.


text (string): Result from listen() function


(string): robot response

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def get_response(text):
    """Generate robot response based on user speech input. Not implemented.
        text (string): Result from listen() function
        (string): robot response

    return respone
def get_video_devices()

Get a list of connected camera device


video_device_list (list): List of camera device

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def get_video_devices():
    """Get a list of connected camera device

        video_device_list (list): List of camera device
    return core.get_video_devices()
def greet_person(name, speech)

Greet a specific person in a specific way, this is combined usage of recognizeFace() and say() function. Not implemented.


name (sring): name of the person to greet, it can be an actual name, or simply Unknown. speech (string): words to say to the person.


(bool): True if successfully greeted. False otherwise.

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def greet_person(name, speech):
    """Greet a specific person in a specific way, this is combined usage of recognizeFace() and say() function. Not implemented.

        name (sring): name of the person to greet, it can be an actual name, or simply Unknown.
        speech (string): words to say to the person.

        (bool): True if successfully greeted. False otherwise.
    return success
def initialize_component(component_name, useOnline=True, account='default', processor='local')

Initalization function for different components


component_name (string): name of the component to be initialized

Keyword Parameters: useOnline {bool}: use online service or not (default: {True})


(bool): True if initialization is success, False otherwise

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def initialize_component(component_name, useOnline=True, account="default", processor="local"):
    """Initalization function for different components
        component_name (string): name of the component to be initialized
    Keyword Parameters:
        useOnline {bool}: use online service or not (default: {True})
        (bool): True if initialization is success, False otherwise
    if component_name == "vision":
        success, msg = core.initialize_vision(processor)
    elif component_name == "voice":
        success, msg  = core.initialize_voice(useOnline, account)
    elif component_name == "nlp":
        success, msg  = core.initialize_nlp()
    elif component_name == "control":
        success, msg  = core.initialize_control()
    elif component_name == "smart_home":
        success = True
        msg = "OK"
    return success, msg
def listen()

Listen to user speech from audio feed captured by microphone.


(string): the user speech generated from speech-to-text module.

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def listen():
    """Listen to user speech from audio feed captured by microphone.
        (string): the user speech generated from speech-to-text module.

    text = core.listen()

    if text is not None:
        return text
        return None
def listen_for_wakeword()

Continuously detecting the appeareance of wakeword from the audio stream. Higher priority than the listen() function.


(bool): return True if detected wakeword, False otherwise.

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def listen_for_wakeword():
    """Continuously detecting the appeareance of wakeword from the audio stream. Higher priority than the listen() function.
        (bool): return True if detected wakeword, False otherwise.

    gotWakeWord = core.listen_for_wakeword()

    return gotWakeWord
def recognize_face()

Recognize the name of person from camera feed. No need to pass in camera feed explicitly at this level.


(dict): key: names, values: (coordinates, confidences)

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def recognize_face():
    """Recognize the name of person from camera feed. No need to pass in camera feed explicitly at this level.
        (dict): key: names, values: (coordinates, confidences)

    name = core.recognize_face()
    #print("NAME*************", name)
    coordinate = core.get_person_face_location(name)

    if name is not None and coordinate is not None:
        people = {"name" : name, "coordinate" : coordinate}
        return people
        return None
def remove_person(name)

Remove a specific person from database


name (string): name of the person to remove

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def remove_person(name):
    """Remove a specific person from database

        name (string): name of the person to remove
    if name == None:
        return -1

    success = core.remove_person(name)

    return success
def rotate_motor(motor_name, angle)

Rotate robot to a certain angle


motor_name (string): Name of motor to control, currently, only support "motor_A", "motor_B", "motor_C", "motor_D" corresponding to BrickPi ports angle (int): Roatational angle


(bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

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def rotate_motor(motor_name, angle):
    """Rotate robot to a certain angle

        motor_name (string): Name of motor to control, currently, only support "motor_A", "motor_B", "motor_C", "motor_D" corresponding to BrickPi ports
        angle (int): Roatational angle

        (bool): True if successfully moved. False otherwise.

    success = core.rotate_motor(motor_name, angle)

    return success
def say(text, volume=100)

Speak the text through speaker at the specific volume.


text (string): text to be spoken. volume (int): 0-100.


(bool): True if successfully spoken. False otherwise.

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def say(text, volume=100):
    """Speak the text through speaker at the specific volume.
        text (string): text to be spoken.
        volume (int): 0-100.
        (bool): True if successfully spoken. False otherwise.
    if text == None:
        return -1

    success = core.say(text)

    return success
def test_camera(index)

Open the camera device with specific index, test for its connetion


index (int): index of the camera device


(bool): True if success, False otherwise

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def test_camera(index):
    """Open the camera device with specific index, test for its connetion

        index (int): index of the camera device
        (bool): True if success, False otherwise
    return core.test_camera(index)
def turn_to_person(name)

Rotate the robot to face a person, this is a combined usage of recognizeFace() and move() function. Not implemented.


name (string): name of the person that the robot should center to.


(bool): True if successfully turned. False otherwise.

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def turn_to_person(name):
    """Rotate the robot to face a person, this is a combined usage of recognizeFace() and move() function. Not implemented.

        name (string): name of the person that the robot should center to.

        (bool): True if successfully turned. False otherwise.
    return success